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How to remove timestamp from datetime column in pandas Style Object

I have a DataFrame with a Date column that has no timestamp:

date without timestamp

But once I apply style to another column in the df, e.g. :

df =, subset=['column3'])

The DataFrame becomes a Style Object, and the “Date” column gets a timestamp that it didn’t have before, as the following:

enter image description here

I tried the following to strip the timestamp from the Date column:

df['Date'].style.apply(lambda x: x.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))

I got the following error:

TypeError: 'Styler' object is not subscriptable

Is there any way to remove the time stamp from the Style object?



This is just a stopgap solution, but you can manually specify the usual %Y-%m-%d display format for your date column as follows:

styled = (
            .applymap(colorFunction, subset=['column3'])
            .format({'Date': '{:%Y-%m-%d}'}))


# Example data
df = pd.DataFrame({'Date': pd.date_range('2020-01-01', 
                   'Value': list(range(-2, 3))})

# Example color function
def f(v):
    return 'color: red;' if v < 0 else None

# Unexpected addition of H:M:S to date column, subset='Value')

Styler with unexpected datetime display format

# Specify desired date format, subset='Value').format({'Date': '{:%Y-%m-%d}'}))

Styler with manually fixed datetime display format
