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How to remove duplicates from a dataframe based on the column with string values

I am trying to remove duplicates based on the column item_id from a dataframe df.

df :

    date        code             item_id
0   20210325    30893       001 002 003 003 
1   20210325    10030       001 002 003 003 

In this df the item_id is as follows:

These are all item_ids separated by one or more spaces.
    0 ->  "001  002 003 003"  #here there is an extra space after 001, rest is same.  
    1 ->  "001 002 003 003"

I am using the following function to remove the duplicates.

def create_data_file_removed_duplicate_item(packing_data):
    print('start removing duplicated item data')
    print('data count before removing duplication: ' + str(len(packing_data)))
    # check null
    packing_data = packing_data[~packing_data['item_id'].isnull()]
    # sorting item id
    packing_data['item_id_list'] = packing_data['item_id'].str.split('  ').apply(sorted)
        .apply(lambda item_id_list: ''.join([item_id.replace(' ', '') + ' ' for item_id in item_id_list]))
    # drop duplicate item_id
    packing_data.drop_duplicates(keep='last', inplace=True, subset=['item_id_list'])
    packing_data = packing_data.drop(columns=['item_id_list'])

    # create non duplicate item data file
    print('data count after removing duplication: ' + str(len(packing_data)))
    return packing_data

I am unable to remove the duplicates although there rows 0 and 1 have similar item_id.
I have some other cases where this function removes duplicates where the item_id is as follows:

0 ->  "001 002 003 003".  # there is no space after 001. These are all item_ids separated by one or more spaces.
1 ->  "001 002 003 003"

Expected output:

     date        code            item_id
0   20210325    10030       001 002 003 003 

Is there a way where I can remove the duplicates even if the item_id is separated by multiple spaces?



You can apply a function to the column that will make the item_id “uniform”, then can drop_duplicates()

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'date':['20210325','20210325'],
                   'item_id':['001 002 003 003','001    002 003 003']})

df['item_id'] = df['item_id'].apply(lambda x: ' '.join(sorted(x.split())).strip())
df = df.drop_duplicates(subset='item_id', keep="last")


       date   code          item_id
1  20210325  10030  001 002 003 003
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