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How to read a day and time on the same line?

I was trying to reproduce the following entry in Python: 05 08:12:23.

I did it as follows:

day, hour, minute, second = map (int, input (). Split (':'))

Notice how there is a space after day and the split () I put to separate the numbers with ':'. How would I go about reading the day on the same input? Is there a better way to do this than what I’m trying to do?

The following error ends:

day, hour, minute, second = map (int, input (). split (':'))

ValueError: invalid literal for int () with base 10: ’05 08 ‘



You have two different separators on the same line: space and colon. You have to divide the input in two steps:

day, clock = input().split()
hour, minute, second = clock.split(':')

This leaves you with four strings, but you already know how to convert those. :-)

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