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How to merge a nested list of dictionaries with other list of dictionaries?

I have a list of dictionaries containing lists of dictionaries containing a dictionary:

super_data: [{'data': [{'attributes': {'stuff': 'test'
                                       'stuff2': 'tester'}
             {'data': [{'attributes': {'stuff': 'test2'
                                       'stuff2': 'tester2'}

I have other lists of dictionaries which might look like:

super_meta_data: [{'meta_data': [{'attributes': {'thing': 'testy'
                                                 'thing2': 'testy2'}
                  {'meta_data': [{'attributes': {'thing': 'testy3'
                                                 'thing': 'testy4'}

I want to merge the nested list of dicts like so:

super_data: [{'data': [{'attributes': {'stuff': 'test'
                                       'stuff2': 'tester'}
              'meta_data': [{'attributes': {'thing': 'testy'
                                            'thing2': 'testy2'}
             {'data': [{'attributes': {'stuff': 'test'
                                       'stuff2': 'tester'}
              'meta_data': [{'attributes': {'thing': 'testy3'
                                            'thing2': 'testy4'}

How would I go about doing that? I’m trying:

for i in super_data:

But it’s throwing:

TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not dict

Appreciate any insight!



You might try the following, using zip:

for data, meta_data in zip(super_data, super_meta_data):

Or, with the same result, using a list comprehension:

super_data = [{**d, **md} for d, md in zip(super_data, super_meta_data)]

>>> super_data
[{'data': [{'attributes': {'stuff': 'test', 'stuff2': 'tester'}}],
  'meta_data': [{'attributes': {'thing': 'testy', 'thing2': 'testy2'}}]},
 {'data': [{'attributes': {'stuff': 'test2', 'stuff2': 'tester2'}}],
  'meta_data': [{'attributes': {'thing': 'testy3', 'thing2': 'testy4'}}]}]

If you want to make your index-based approach work:

for i in range(len(super_data)):
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