I am trying to writing a function which will take a sentence and make each odd letter an uppercase one and each even letter a lowercase one.
Here is what I tried:
def func(st): res = [] for index, c in enumerate(st): if index % 2 == 0: res.append(c.upper()) else: res.append(c.lower()) return ''.join(res) print(myfunc(something))
When the input is "Hello my guy"
, the output is "HeLlO My gUy"
and not "HeLlO mY gUy"
because it counts blank as a letter, what can I do?
I’d write it like this:
from itertools import cycle def my_func(st): operation = cycle((str.upper, str.lower)) conv = [next(operation)(c) if c != ' ' else c for c in st] return ''.join(conv)
>>> my_func("Hello my guy") 'HeLlO mY gUy'