I’m using pyttsx3 to make a talking bot . and it work
import pyttsx3 f = pyttsx3.init() a = input("type something: ") if a == "hello": print(f.say("Hi How are you")) f.runAndWait()
but if I want the code to repeat the operation when ever its end I mean if I typed something and got the respond I will get another “type something” input without duplicate the code like this
import pyttsx3 f = pyttsx3.init() a = input("type something: ") if a == "hello": print(f.say("Hi How are you")) f.runAndWait() b = input("type something: ") if b == "hi": print(f.say("Hi")) f.runAndWait() c = input("type something: ") if c == "hey": print(f.say("hi hows going")) f.runAndWait()
i tried making a loop but didn’t work
import pyttsx3 f = pyttsx3.init() a = input("type something: ") if a == "hello": print(f.say("Hi How are you")) for a in f: print(a) f.runAndWait()
So its going to ask me the a input again and again with no need to duplicate the code
I think it should work, I really didn’t understand your question, but this is closest to what you asked for
import pyttsx3 f = pyttsx3.init() while True: a = input("type something: ") if a == "hello": print(f.say("Hi how are you?")) elif a == "hi": print(f.say("Hi")) elif a == "hey": print(f.say("hi hows going")) f.runAndWait()
or if you want to try functions you can try:
import pyttsx3 f = pyttsx3.init() while True: nameoffunction() def nameoffunction(): a = input("type something: ") if a == "hello": print(f.say("Hi how are you?")) elif a == "hi": print(f.say("Hi")) elif a == "hey": print(f.say("hi hows going")) f.runAndWait()