I’m here with my code, here you can see it:
def generate_integer(level): score = 0 i = 0 false = 0 level = int(level) while i != 10: # Choosing the numbers of digit if 1 >> 1-9 / if 2 >> 11-99 / if 3 >> 100-999 end = 10**level-1 # Define x and y x = random.randint(0,end) y = random.randint(0,end) answer = x + y # Users cal user = int(input(f'{x} + {y} = ')) if user == answer: score = score + 1 while user != answer: false + 1 print('EEE') user = int(input(f'{x} + {y} = ')) if false == 3: print(f'{x} + {y} = {answer}') i = i + 1 print(f'score: {score}/10')
Let me explain: I defined false for, if user inputs the answer 3 times and all of them for that question are false, show user the answer and continue asking
Actually this code asks 10 different math questions, this is a part of my code, I’m checking if answer is not true print(‘EEE’) and re ask it again, but if user tries 3 time and all incorrect, then I show the answer, pass that question and keep asking other questions.
If you have any ideas for re asking question, when users input was non-numerical, I’ll be thankful.
def check(user_answer,correct_answer): for a chance in range(2): print("Wrong answer, try again") user_answer=input('User please type your answer for the question') if user_answer == correct_answer: return 'True' # Given the Right answer else: print('Again wrong answer') return 'False' #Given all wrongs answers user_answer=input('User please type your answer for the question') correct_answer=10 if user_answer != correct_answer: result=check(user_answer,correct_answer) if result: print("your answer is correct") else: print("your all answers were wrong, the right answer is: ",correct_answer) else: print("Perfect your answer was right in the first guess")