The aim is to calculate the uniswap v3 pool’s total value locked (TVL).
import json
from web3 import Web3
from collections import namedtuple
infura_url = '******'
web3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(infura_url))
def read_json_file(directory:str, file_name: str):
file_path = directory + file_name
f_ = open(file_path, 'r')
except Exception as e:
print(f"Unable to open the {file_path} file")
raise e
json_data = json.loads(
return json_data
# uniswap_ETH_USDT.v3
abi = read_json_file('./', 'abis/uniswapV3Pool.json')
address = '0x4e68Ccd3E89f51C3074ca5072bbAC773960dFa36'
exchange_contract = web3.eth.contract(address=Web3.toChecksumAddress(address), abi=abi)
Tick = namedtuple("Tick", "liquidityGross liquidityNet feeGrowthOutside0X128 feeGrowthOutside1X128 tickCumulativeOutside secondsPerLiquidityOutsideX128 secondsOutside initialized")
amounts0 = 0
amounts1 = 0
liquidity = 0
slot0 = exchange_contract.functions.slot0().call()
sqrtPriceCurrent = slot0[0] / (1 << 96)
MIN_TICK = -887272
MAX_TICK = 887272
TICK_SPACING = exchange_contract.functions.tickSpacing().call()
def calculate_token0_amount(liquidity, sp, sa, sb):
sp = max(min(sp, sb), sa)
return liquidity * (sb - sp) / (sp * sb)
def calculate_token1_amount(liquidity, sp, sa, sb):
sp = max(min(sp, sb), sa)
return liquidity * (sp - sa)
for tick in range(MIN_TICK, MAX_TICK, TICK_SPACING):
tickRange = Tick(*exchange_contract.functions.ticks(tick).call())
liquidity += tickRange.liquidityNet
sqrtPriceLow = 1.0001 ** (tick // 2)
sqrtPriceHigh = 1.0001 ** ((tick + TICK_SPACING) // 2)
amounts0 += calculate_token0_amount(liquidity, sqrtPriceCurrent, sqrtPriceLow, sqrtPriceHigh)
amounts1 += calculate_token1_amount(liquidity, sqrtPriceCurrent, sqrtPriceLow, sqrtPriceHigh)
print(amounts0, amounts1, tick) # for better output, should correct for the amount of decimals before printing
This does print liquidity in MIN_TICK and MAX_TICK but takes a lot of time and waste web3 calls as it is iterating on zero liquidity ticks also. Right now these are hardcoded, here I want to know what can be the value of min-max so that range does not contain any zero liquidity tick.
- Getting pair token balance of contracts
- and then get current price of each token / USDT by calling function slot0 in pool tokenA/USDT & tokenB/USDT
slot0 = contract.functions.slot0().call()
sqrtPriceCurrent = slot0[0] / (1 << 96)
priceCurrent = sqrtPriceCurrent ** 2
decimal_diff = USDT_decimal – TOKEN_A_decimal
token_price = 10**(-decimal_diff)/( priceCurrent) if token0_address == USDT_address else priceCurrent/(10**decimal_diff)
- Finally, TVL = sum(token_balance * token_price)
** Remember: check price from big pool