My goal: Automate the operation of executing a query and output the results into a csv.
I have been successful in obtaining the query results using Python (this is my first project ever in Python). I am trying to format these results as a csv but am completely lost. It’s basically just creating 2 massive rows with all the data not parsed out. The .txt and .csv results are attached (I obtained these by simply calling the query and entering “file name > results.txt” or “file name > results.csv”.
txt results: {'data': {'get_result': {'job_id': None, 'result_id': '72a17fd2-e63c-4732-805a-ad6a7b980a99', '__typename': 'get_result_response'}}} {'data': {'query_results': [{'id': '72a17fd2-e63c-4732-805a-ad6a7b980a99', 'job_id': '05eb2527-2ca0-4dd1-b6da-96fb5aa2e67c', 'error': None, 'runtime': 157, 'generated_at': '2022-04-07T20:14:36.693419+00:00', 'columns': ['project_name', 'leaderboard_date', 'volume_30day', 'transactions_30day', 'floor_price', 'median_price', 'unique_holders', 'rank', 'custom_sort_order'], '__typename': 'query_results'}], 'get_result_by_result_id': [{'data': {'custom_sort_order': 'AA', 'floor_price': 0.375, 'leaderboard_date': '2022-04-07', 'median_price': 343.4, 'project_name': 'Terraforms by Mathcastles', 'rank': 1, 'transactions_30day': 2774, 'unique_holders': 2179, 'volume_30day': 744611.6252}, '__typename': 'get_result_template'}, {'data': {'custom_sort_order': 'AB', 'floor_price': 4.69471, 'leaderboard_date': '2022-04-07', 'median_price': 6.5, 'project_name': 'Meebits', 'rank': 2, 'transactions_30day': 4153, 'unique_holders': 6200, 'volume_30day': 163520.7377371168}, '__typename': 'get_result_template'},
etc. (repeats for 100s of rows)..
Your results
text string actually contains two dictionaries separated by a space character.
Here’s a formatted version of what’s in each of them:
dict1 = {'data': {'get_result': {'job_id': None,
'result_id': '72a17fd2-e63c-4732-805a-ad6a7b980a99',
'__typename': 'get_result_response'}}}
dict2 = {'data': {'query_results': [{'id': '72a17fd2-e63c-4732-805a-ad6a7b980a99',
'job_id': '05eb2527-2ca0-4dd1-b6da-96fb5aa2e67c',
'error': None,
'runtime': 157,
'generated_at': '2022-04-07T20:14:36.693419+00:00',
'columns': ['project_name',
'__typename': 'query_results'}],
'get_result_by_result_id': [{'data': {'custom_sort_order': 'AA',
'floor_price': 0.375,
'leaderboard_date': '2022-04-07',
'median_price': 343.4,
'project_name': 'Terraforms by Mathcastles',
'rank': 1,
'transactions_30day': 2774,
'unique_holders': 2179,
'volume_30day': 744611.6252},
'__typename': 'get_result_template'},
{'data': {'custom_sort_order': 'AB',
'floor_price': 4.69471,
'leaderboard_date': '2022-04-07',
'median_price': 6.5,
'project_name': 'Meebits',
'rank': 2,
'transactions_30day': 4153,
'unique_holders': 6200,
'volume_30day': 163520.7377371168},
'__typename': 'get_result_template'},
(BTW I formatting them using the pprint
module. This is often a good first step when dealing with these kinds of problems — so you know what you’re dealing with.)
Ignoring the first one completely and all but the repetitive data in the second — which is what I assume is all you really want — you could create a CSV file from the nested dictionary values in the dict2['data']['get_result_by_result_id']
list. Here’s how that could be done using the csv.DictWriter class:
import csv
from pprint import pprint # If needed.
output_filepath = 'query_results.csv'
# Determine CSV fieldnames based on keys of first dictionary.
fieldnames = dict2['data']['get_result_by_result_id'][0]['data'].keys()
with open(output_filepath, 'w', newline='') as outp:
writer = csv.DictWriter(outp, delimiter=',', fieldnames=fieldnames)
writer.writeheader() # Optional.
for result in dict2['data']['get_result_by_result_id']:
# pprint(result['data'], sort_dicts=False)
Using the test data, here’s the contents of the 'query_results.csv'
file it created:
AA,0.375,2022-04-07,343.4,Terraforms by Mathcastles,1,2774,2179,744611.6252