(cross posted to boto-users)
Given an image ID, how can I delete it using boto?
You use the deregister() API.
There are a few ways of getting the image id (i.e. you can list all images and search their properties, etc)
Here is a code fragment which will delete one of your existing AMIs (assuming it’s in the EU region)
connection = boto.ec2.connect_to_region('eu-west-1', aws_access_key_id='yourkey', aws_secret_access_key='yoursecret', proxy=yourProxy, proxy_port=yourProxyPort) # This is a way of fetching the image object for an AMI, when you know the AMI id # Since we specify a single image (using the AMI id) we get a list containing a single image # You could add error checking and so forth ... but you get the idea images = connection.get_all_images(image_ids=['ami-cf86xxxx']) images[0].deregister()
(edit): and in fact having looked at the online documentation for 2.0, there is another way.
Having determined the image ID, you can use the deregister_image(image_id) method of boto.ec2.connection … which amounts to the same thing I guess.