I ran into a
urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError: HTTPConnectionPool(host=’chromedriver’, port=4444): Max retries exceeded with url: /wd/hub/session (Caused by NewConnectionError(‘<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7fc2de559bb0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused’))
While running Selenium via Python and Docker.
My Connection looks like this:
self.driver = webdriver.Remote( command_executor='http://chromedriver:4444/wd/hub', options=options )
The docker-compose like this:
... chromedriver: image: selenium/standalone-chrome ports: - "4444:4444" hostname: chromedriver shm_size: 2g runner: image: "kevoooo/twitchfarm-runner:latest" entrypoint: "python3 /py-scripts/main.py" healthcheck: test: python3 /py-scripts/main.py interval: 30s timeout: 10s retries: 5 environment: - DISPLAY= - USER=uname - PASS=pass - 2FA_KEY=key volumes: - "chrome-data:/saves/google-chrome" depends_on: - chromedriver ...
Thanks in advance!
I solved it by changing the entrypoint of “runner” to:
entrypoint: bash -c "sleep 10 && python3 /py-scripts/main.py"
I thought, that was handled by the “depends-on”-clause