So i made this program for fun but i saw that when i click the button the “ez” text appears in pycharm and i wanted to make it appear in the window of the program. Does anyone know how i can do that?
import tkinter as tk import os def click(): print('ez') os.system("shutdown /s /t 3") window = tk.Tk() window.geometry("420x420") window.title("Russian Roulette!") window.config(background = "#000000") label = tk.Label(window, text = "Are you sure you want to boost your FPS?", font = ('Aerial', 20, 'bold'), fg = 'green', bg = '#000000', ) = 50 , y = 50) button = tk.Button(window, text = "Boost FPS!", command = click, font = ('Aerial', 20, 'bold'), fg = 'green', bg = '#000000', activeforeground = 'green', activebackground = '#000000', relief = tk.RAISED, bd = 10, padx = 5, pady = 5, ) = 50, y = 150) button = tk.Button(window, text = "Cancel", command = click, font = ('Aerial', 20, 'bold'), fg = 'green', bg = '#000000', activeforeground = 'green', activebackground = '#000000', relief = tk.RAISED, bd = 10, padx = 5, pady = 5, ) = 470, y = 150) window.mainloop()
Just set the new text to the label you already have:
def click(): label.config(text="ez") os.system("shutdown /s /t 3")