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How do I check whether comma separated elements of a string are in the list or not?

a = "3"
b = ["3"]

def func():
    return a in b

The above function returns “TRUE”

But if I have my code as follows:

b = ["3"]

How do I check the elements of a one by one with b, i.e, “1”==[“3”] or “2”==[“3”], and so on, and return “TRUE” when “3”==[“3”]



Try this

a = "1,2,3,4"
b = ["3"]

def func(a, b):
    return any(e in b for e in a.split(','))

print(func(a, b))



  • Use split(',') for converting type str to list.
  • Code inside the any() function e in b for e in a.split(',') returns a boolean list of True and False based on condition
  • Here e values are 1, 2, 3, 4; for each, check if element e is in list b.
  • Use the any() function; it returns True if one of the conditions is true in the list.