I have 2 app registration (2 service principals). First of them I use as my credentials to have token. I need from my Python script to create and delete the secrets of the second service principal. Unfortunately, I did not find such an example in the documentation. How can I do that?
You can use the below code for your requirement :
Add Client_Secret:
from azure.identity import ClientSecretCredential from msgraph.core import GraphClient import json clientid= "Serviceprincipal1" clientsecret = "secret" tenantid = "tenantId" credentials=ClientSecretCredential(tenant_id=tenantid,client_id=clientid,client_secret=clientsecret) graph_client = GraphClient(credential=credentials) #get details of another service principal by providing the object id of the application app = graph_client.get('/applications/serviceprincipal2objectid') print(app.json()) #add new client sceret to that ad app body={ "passwordCredential": { "displayName": "NewPaasswordCreatedfromPythonSDK" } } addpass=graph_client.post('/applications/serviceprincipal2objectid/addPassword',json=json.dumps(body)) print("HTTP_request_Response:",addpass.status_code)
Remove Client_Secret:
#remove a client secret for that ad app body= { "keyId": "1636f0ce-1b8c-46a0-a580-d0df086b91c7"## keyid of the key added earlier } removepass=graph_client.post('/applications/serviceprincipal2objectid/removePassword',json=body) print("HTTP_request_Response:",removepass.status_code)
Note: MSGRAPH-core python sdk
is in Preview only and to use you have to install using pip install msgraph-core