When using Inference Schema to autogenerate the swagger doc for my AzureML endpoint (as detailed here and here), I see that it creates a wrapper around my input_sample. Is there a way to not wrap the input inside this “data” wrapper?
Here is what my score.py looks like:
input_sample = { "id": 123, "language": "en" "items": [{ "item": 1, "desc": "desc" }] } output_sample = [{'prediction': 'true', 'predictionConfidence': 0.8279970776764844}] @input_schema('data', StandardPythonParameterType(input_sample)) @output_schema(StandardPythonParameterType(output_sample)) def run(data): """ { data: { --> DON'T WANT this "data" wrapper "id": 123, "language": "en" "items": [{ "item": 1, "desc": "desc" }] } } """ try: id = data['id'] ...
InferenceSchema used with Azure Machine Learning deployments, then the code for this package was recently published at https://github.com/Azure/InferenceSchema under an MIT license. So you could possibly use that to create a version specific to your needs.