I have been trying to code a hangman game but couldn’t do it because there seems to be an error with my if requests, because he dosn’t detect a valid Letter in the word although there is .
please tell me if i can give you any more information. looking forward to hearing from yall and i am really interested in the skills i can learn:D
import random import string def check_guess(guess): try: str(guess) return True except: return False def check_lvl(difficulty): try: int(difficulty) return True except: return False def ask_for_difficulty(force_valid_input): while True: difficulty = input("Please choose your difficulty Level, starting from level 1 to 3: ") if check_lvl(difficulty) and difficulty == '1' or difficulty == '2' or difficulty == '3': return int(difficulty) else: if not check_lvl(difficulty): return None print("wrong input") def get_words(): print("Loading word list from file...") f = open("/home/hiighq/Desktop/VisualCode/hangman-python-shirelkatz/countries-and-capitals.txt", 'rb', 0) content = f.readline wordlist = [] for content in f: wordlist.append(content.strip()) print (" ", len(wordlist), "words loaded.") f.close return wordlist def choose_word(wordlist): return str(random.choice(wordlist)) wordlist = get_words() word_to_guees = choose_word(wordlist) pos_of_line = word_to_guees.rfind("|") pos_of_point = word_to_guees.rfind("'") secretWord = word_to_guees[pos_of_line+2:pos_of_point] def is_word_guessed(secretWord, lettersGuessed): count = 0 for i, c in enumerate(secretWord): if c in lettersGuessed: count += 1 if count == len(secretWord): return True else: return False def get_guessed_word(secretWord, lettersGuessed): count = 0 blank = ["_ "] * len(secretWord) for i, c in enumerate(secretWord): if c in lettersGuessed: count += 1 blank.insert(count-1,c) blank.pop(count) if count == len(secretWord): return ''.join(str(e)for e in blank) else: count +=1 blank.insert(count-1, '_') blank.pop(count) if count == len(secretWord): return ''.join(str(e) for e in blank) def get_availible_letters(lettersGuessed): alphabet = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'] alphabet2 = alphabet[:] def removeDupsBetter(L1, L2): L1Start = L1[:] for e in L1: if e in L1Start: L2.remove(e) return ''.join(str(e) for e in L2) return removeDupsBetter(lettersGuessed, alphabet2) def set_difficulty(difficulty): lives = int if difficulty == 1: lives = 8 print("At level 1, you will have ",(lives), "lives!") return lives elif difficulty == 2: lives = 5 print("At level 2, you will have ",(lives), "lives!") return lives elif difficulty == 3: lives = 3 print("At level 3, you will have ",(lives), "lives!") return lives def hangman(secretWord): intro = len(str(secretWord)) lettersGuessed= [] guess = str mistakesMade = 0 wordGuessed = False difficulty = int print("Welcome to the hangman game!") difficulty = ask_for_difficulty(True) lives = set_difficulty(difficulty) print("-----------------------------------------------") print("I am thinking of a word with ",intro," letters!",secretWord) while lives > 0 and mistakesMade <= lives and wordGuessed is False: if secretWord == get_guessed_word(secretWord, lettersGuessed): wordGuessed = True break print("You have",str(lives)," guesses left.") print("Available letters: ", get_availible_letters(lettersGuessed)) guess = input("Please guess a letter: ").lower if str(guess) in secretWord: #checks if input is in secretword if str(guess) in lettersGuessed: print("Looks like you have already tried this letter: ", get_availible_letters(lettersGuessed)) print("-----------------------------------------------") else: lettersGuessed.append(guess) print("Good guess: ", get_guessed_word(secretWord,lettersGuessed)) else: if str(guess) in lettersGuessed: print("Looks like you have already tried this letter: ", get_availible_letters(lettersGuessed)) print("-----------------------------------------------") else: lettersGuessed.append(guess) lives -= 1 mistakesMade += 1 print("That letter is not in the word! You have ", lives," left.",get_guessed_word(secretWord,lettersGuessed)) if wordGuessed == True: return ("Congratz you won!:D") elif lives == 0: print("You ran out of lives. the word was", secretWord) hangman(secretWord)
The problem arises in your removeDupsBetter
method. You are trying to remove an element from L2
which is not present in L2
Maybe you actually meant to do this:
def removeDupsBetter(L1, L2): L1Start = L1[:] for e in L1: // Checking if element is present in L2 before removing it. if e in L2: L2.remove(e) return ''.join(str(e) for e in L2)