I have a dictionary with two values (id and amount):
dict={5: [379], 11: [396], 6: [480], 19: [443]}
and I want to find the id with the max and min amount from the dictionary without using the max and min functions.
So desired output is:
max=6 min=5
You could just calculate it with a for loop:
input = {5: 379, 11: 396, 6: 480, 19: 443} keys = input.keys() largest_key = keys[0] for key in keys: if input[key] > input[largest_key]: largest_key = key print(largest_key)
If your values are lists, you need to chose what index to use to compare the list with. In the code below I hardcoded zero. If you want to go through the list and find the max value there, that would just be another nested loop.
input = {5: [379], 11: [396], 6: [480], 19: [443]} keys = input.keys() largest_key = keys[0] for key in keys: if input[key][0] > input[largest_key][0]: largest_key = key print(largest_key)
To get the min you would use this exact same process but switch the operator to less than.