I’m looking to get list of all possible json paths in a json file – can recommend any one?
Eg : if input is below
{ "_id":{ "$oid":"" }, "aa":false, "bb":false, "source":"", "email":"", "createdAt":{ "$date":"" }, "updatedAt":{ "$date":"" }, "cc":"", "vv":"", "metadata":{ "vv":"", "xx":[{}] } }
o/p :
obj obj._id obj._id.$oid obj.aa obj.bb obj.source obj.email obj.createdAt obj.createdAt.$date obj.updatedAt obj.updatedAt.$date obj.cc obj.vv obj.metadata obj.metadata.vv obj.metadata.xx obj.metadata.xx[0]
I’m basically looking. a python version of this : https://www.convertjson.com/json-path-list.htm
I want to build a general solution , if any json file – it will be a single value for schema generation (ie one line in a newline delimeted json) Any suggestions ?
You can do this in a reasonably succinct way with a recursive generator. The string "obj"
is a little awkward since it doesn’t occur in the data structure. On the other hand, adding it at the end is simple:
def get_paths(d): if isinstance(d, dict): for key, value in d.items(): yield f'.{key}' yield from (f'.{key}{p}' for p in get_paths(value)) elif isinstance(d, list): for i, value in enumerate(d): yield f'[{i}]' yield from (f'[{i}]{p}' for p in get_paths(value)) paths = ['obj'+s for s in get_paths(d)]
Gives you paths as a list of strings:
['obj._id', 'obj._id.$oid', 'obj.aa', 'obj.bb', 'obj.source', 'obj.email', 'obj.createdAt', 'obj.createdAt.$date', 'obj.updatedAt', 'obj.updatedAt.$date', 'obj.cc', 'obj.vv', 'obj.metadata', 'obj.metadata.vv', 'obj.metadata.xx', 'obj.metadata.xx[0]']
Of course, you can wrap that last step in a function like and accept a root object string:
def get_paths(d, root="obj"): def recur(d): if isinstance(d, dict): for key, value in d.items(): yield f'.{key}' yield from (f'.{key}{p}' for p in get_paths(value)) elif isinstance(d, list): for i, value in enumerate(d): yield f'[{i}]' yield from (f'[{i}]{p}' for p in get_paths(value)) return (root + p for p in recur(d)) list(get_paths(d)) # same result