I have list of dictionaries that I am pulling from a ticketing system. Each dictionary contains the name and timestamp of a ticket.
There are cases where multiple tickets are entered for the same user and I would like to filter this list to only append the ‘latest’ timestamp to the list, rather than all occurrences.
Edit: I am looking to get a list of dictionaries returned that includes a list of all unique Name values with the largest Date value.
I have included updated list examples that might make it easier to work with.
My function that gathers the data is:
def get_onboarded_users(): # The ticket that it is retrieving looks something like this: # "(IT) - Onboarding Initiated - Bill Bob" print("Collecting Onboarded Users", end="") url = 'https://********************/api/v3/requests' headers = {"authtoken": "*********************************"} rtn = [] input_data = '''{ "list_info": { "row_count": 5000, "start_index": 1, "sort_field": "subject", "sort_order": "asc", "get_total_count": true, "search_fields": { "subject": "(IT) - Onboarding Initiated" } } }''' params = {'input_data': input_data} response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params) i = json.loads(response.text) user_requests = i['requests'] onboarded_users = {} for user_request in user_requests: subject = user_request['subject'].upper() create_date = req['created_time']['value'] user = subject.split(' - ') onboarded_users['Name'] = user[2] onboarded_users['Date'] = int(create_date) / 1000 rtn.append(onboarded_users.copy()) print(" - Complete") return rtn
My API call returns something that looks like this:
[ { "Name": "Rob Smith", "Date": "1" }, { "Name": "Rob Smith", "Date": "2" }, { "Name": "Rob Smith", "Date": "3" }, { "Name": "Bill Bob", "Date": "4" }, { "Name": "Bill Bob", "Date": "7" }, { "Name": "Sam Jackson", "Date": "1" } ]
and would like it to look like this:
[ { "Name": "Rob Smith", "Date": "3" }, { "Name": "Bill Bob", "Date": "7" }, { "Name": "Sam Jackson", "Date": "1" } ]
You can use itertools.groupby
import itertools lst = [ { "Name": "Rob Smith", "Date": "1" }, { "Name": "Rob Smith", "Date": "2" }, { "Name": "Rob Smith", "Date": "3" }, { "Name": "Bill Bob", "Date": "4" }, { "Name": "Bill Bob", "Date": "7" }, { "Name": "Sam Jackson", "Date": "1" } ] res = [] for key, group in itertools.groupby(lst, lambda x: x["Name"]): res.append(max(group, key= lambda y: y['Date'])) print(res)
[ {'Name': 'Rob Smith', 'Date': '3'}, {'Name': 'Bill Bob', 'Date': '7'}, {'Name': 'Sam Jackson', 'Date': '1'} ]
As an alternative, You can use pandas.
import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame(lst) res = df.groupby('Name')['Date'].max().reset_index().to_dict('records') print(res) # [{'Name': 'Bill Bob', 'Date': '7'}, # {'Name': 'Rob Smith', 'Date': '3'}, # {'Name': 'Sam Jackson', 'Date': '1'}]