This question is duplicate of a now deleted earlier question now edited as per the comments provided in the original.
I am trying to create a function which takes a string input in CSV format. For example "id,name,age,scoren1,Jack,NULL,12n17,Betty,28,11"
It should return the follow table:
id | name | age | score |
1 | Jack | NULL | 12 |
17 | Betty | 28 | 11 |
It should also remove the defective rows. A defective row is when it has value NULL
in all capital letters — any other characters like (0 to 9 or a to z or A to Z) are acceptable.
The final output from the above input string should be:
id | name | age | score |
17 | Betty | 28 | 11 |
Here is my code using pandas
and csv
packages. I need to create this without using any of these packages.
def test(S):
result = pd.DataFrame(csv.reader(S.splitlines()))
new_header = result.iloc[0]
result = result[1:]
result.columns = new_header
df = result.select_dtypes(object)
new_result = ~df.apply(lambda series: series.str.contains('NULL')).any(axis=1)
f_result = result[new_result]
return f_result
Here’s how to do what you say you want. Your description of the desired “table” output is somewhat vague, so I made my best guess.
def get_rows(data):
rows = []
for line in data.splitlines():
fields = line.split(',')
if not any(field == 'NULL' for field in fields): # Not defective row.
return rows
csv_string = 'id,name,age,scoren1,Jack,NULL,12n17,Betty,28,11'
rows = get_rows(csv_string)
# Find longest item in each column.
widths = [max(len(item) for item in col) for col in zip(*rows)]
# Create a row of separators and make it the second row of the list.
separator_row = [width*'-' for width in widths]
rows.insert(1, separator_row) # Insert following header row.
# Create a format specification for rows of table.
field_specs = [f' {{:{width}}} ' for width in widths]
format_spec = '|' + '|'.join(field_specs) + '|'
# Print formatted data.
for row in rows:
Plain text sample output:
| id | name | age | score |
| -- | ----- | --- | ----- |
| 17 | Betty | 28 | 11 |