Hello I created a PLSQL procedure to update or insert quantity in inventory table based on product Id and new inward qty. Below is my PLSQL procedure and it works fine when i try in sql developer. But when i trying to execute this in python it is stopped working and froze Kindly help.
PLSQL Procedure:
create table product_master (Product_id number(10), Product_name VARCHAR2(56), Category_id number(8)); Create table Inventory (Product_id number(10), location_id VARCHAR2(26), Qty number(5)); Insert into product_master values (101, 'Milk bikis Rs10', 5); Insert into product_master values (102, 'Milk bikis Rs20', 5); CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE InvInsert (p_id IN NUMBER, p_qty IN NUMBER) is null_constraint EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (null_constraint, -1400); BEGIN UPDATE Inventory SET qty = qty + p_qty WHERE product_id = p_id; IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN Insert into Inventory values ((Select Product_id from product_master where Product_id = p_id),'A24', 1); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN null_constraint THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('The product id is NULL. please update product master with the new item code'); WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Others'); commit; END; /
Python program to call above procedure:
import cx_Oracle import cred as cd import pandas as pd user = cd.user pwd = cd.pawd crd = (user+'/'+pwd+'@//localhost:1521/xe') print(crd) #('Username/password@//hostname:port/SID') conn = cx_Oracle.connect(crd) print('Connection success') try: cur = conn.cursor() cur.callproc('InvInsert',(101,10)) cur.close() except Exception as err: print('oops! problem') else: print('Hey smile! its executed') conn.close()
Your COMMIT is in the wrong place.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE InvInsert (p_id IN NUMBER, p_qty IN NUMBER) is null_constraint EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (null_constraint, -1400); BEGIN UPDATE Inventory SET qty = qty + p_qty WHERE product_id = p_id; IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN Insert into Inventory values ((Select Product_id from product_master where Product_id = p_id),'A24', 1); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN null_constraint THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('The product id is NULL. please update product master with the new item code'); WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Others'); commit; -- this only runs when there's an unhandled exception END; /
You could put the COMMIT directly after the INSERT, or you could handle the transaction in your Python program.
Here’s what I’ve done –
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE InvInsert (p_id IN NUMBER, p_qty IN NUMBER) is null_constraint EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (null_constraint, -1400); BEGIN UPDATE Inventory SET qty = qty + p_qty WHERE product_id = p_id; IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN Insert into Inventory values ((Select Product_id from product_master where Product_id = p_id),'A24', 1); commit; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN null_constraint THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('The product id is NULL. please update product master with the new item code'); WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Others'); END; /
And the Python – note I’m using the new python-oracledb thin driver, no Oracle Client required.
Then here’s my Python code –
# test.py import oracledb import os un = os.environ.get('PYTHON_USERNAME') pw = os.environ.get('PYTHON_PASSWORD') cs = os.environ.get('PYTHON_CONNECTSTRING') with oracledb.connect(user=un, password=pw, dsn=cs) as connection: with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.callproc('InvInsert', [102,10]) print('Hey smile! its executed')
Then running it –
THEN checking the data in the database…do I have a new entry in my INVENTORY table?
Your PL/SQL program has other areas for improvement…for example you could have an OUT parameter to send some kind of message to the Caller.
WHEN OTHERS THEN … you’re basically providing zero help there when you have a problem with your program, you should at least log the core Oracle error to a table.