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Finding elements unique to each rows in a 2D array

Given a 2D Array (Python List), I need to find a new 1D such that it contains elements unique in each column. For example:


should give me for example, [1,-1,0,3,4]. My trials so far: results is a 2D array of size 3 rows and n columns. last is the array which stores the end result, better said the unique values for each columns. From this array I need to find a 1D array of elements so that they are different.


But it does not always give correct answer. This fails for input for example:


The output should be for example [0,1,2,3] or [1,0,3,2] Any help and hints is appreciated.



The code in this answer returns a list made of one element from each column, such that this list contains no duplicates.

Bruteforce: Using itertools.product on the columns to iterate through every possible combination of elements from every column, and returning the first one which contains no duplicates.





Code explanation

  • zip(*table) transposes the list of lists (so it’s the list of columns rather than the list of rows);
  • map(frozenset, ...) remove duplicates from each columns, which has no impact on the final solution but makes the bruteforce faster;
  • for combination in product(*columns): iterates over every possible combination of one element from each column;
  • len(set(combination)) == len(combination) tests whether there are duplicates in the combination;
  • In the possible situation where there is no solution, the for-loop will be executed in its entirety and flow will reach the last line return None.


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