How to export the response of Facebook Marketing API Ads insights to CSV.
Below are my code and the response from it.
from facebook_business.api import FacebookAdsApi from facebook_business.adobjects.adaccount import AdAccount app_id = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx' app_secret = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx' access_token = 'xxxxxxxxx' FacebookAdsApi.init(app_id, app_secret, access_token) params = {'time_range': {'since': '2020-01-01', 'until': '2020-12-25'}, 'time_increment':1, 'level': 'adset', 'sort': ['spend_descending'], 'export_format':'csv'} fields = ['account_name', 'campaign_name', 'campaign_id', 'adset_name', 'adset_id', 'impressions', 'clicks', 'cpm', 'spend', 'ctr'] insights = AdAccount('act_332828570147114').get_insights(params=params, fields=fields) print(insights)
Response is
[<AdsInsights> { "account_name": "xxx", "adset_id": "xxx", "adset_name": "xxx", "campaign_id": "xxx", "campaign_name": "xxx", "clicks": "xxx", "cpm": "xxx", "ctr": "xxx", "date_start": "xxx", "date_stop": "xxx", "impressions": "xxx", "spend": "xxx" }, <AdsInsights> { "account_name": "xxx", "adset_id": "xxx", "adset_name": "xxx", "campaign_id": "xxx", "campaign_name": "xxx", "clicks": "xxx", "cpm": "xxx", "ctr": "xxx", "date_start": "xxx", "date_stop": "xxx", "impressions": "xxx", "spend": "xxx" }]
How can we export this response to CSV format? Any suggestion will be highly appreciated.
from facebook_business.api import FacebookAdsApi from facebook_business.adobjects.adaccount import AdAccount app_id = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx' app_secret = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx' access_token = 'xxxxxxxxx' FacebookAdsApi.init(app_id, app_secret, access_token) params = {'time_range': {'since': '2020-01-01', 'until': '2020-12-25'}, 'time_increment':1, 'level': 'adset', 'sort': ['spend_descending'], 'export_format':'csv'} fields = ['account_name', 'campaign_name', 'campaign_id', 'adset_name', 'adset_id', 'impressions', 'clicks', 'cpm', 'spend', 'ctr'] insights = list(AdAccount('act_332828570147114').get_insights(params=params, fields=fields)) import pandas as pd df=pd.DataFrame(columns=fields) for field in fields: df["{}".format(field)]=[x['{}'.format(field)] for x in insights] df.to_csv("insights.csv",index=False)
Interact with the adinsights objects as dictionaries and add them to dataframe before saving as csv!