Is it possible to extract two HTML div tags in one “soup.find_all” with beautifulSoup? The divs are repeatedly called “event odd”, “event even” and i want to loop through them all
webpage code:
<div class="event odd"> <div class="featured-image"> <a href="" style="background-image:url('');"></a> </div> <div class="event even">..</div> == $0 <div class="event odd">..</div> == $0 <div class="event even">..</div> == $0 <div class="event odd">..</div> == $0
My code:
concerts = soup.find_all([‘div’, {‘class’: ‘event odd’}, {‘class’: ‘event even’}])
for concert in concerts: name = concert.find('a').get('href')
You can use Bitto Bennichan’s suggestion of using {'class': 'event'}
Or, if you must specify two values at once, you can pass them in a list:
>>> len(soup.find_all('div', {'class': ['event odd', 'event even']})) 5