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Error: discord.errors.NotFound: 404 Not Found (error code: 10062): Unknown interaction when sending a gif in embed

I’m making a discord bot that sends a message with two buttons. Both buttons sends a message with a picture/gif when pressed. One of them works but the other one gives an error:

   raise NotFound(response, data)
discord.errors.NotFound: 404 Not Found (error code: 10062): Unknown interaction

Here is the full code:

import os

import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from discord.ui import Button
from discord.ui import View
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import random

intents = discord.Intents.default()
intents.message_content = True

TOKEN = os.getenv('Sommer_Challenge_2022_TOKEN')

bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix=';', intents=intents, help_command=None)

channel = bot.get_channel(channel id here)

#facts about sea and beach
#fakta om hav og strand
fact1 = ('Verdens længste strand hedder "Praia Do Cassino". Den ligger i brasilien og er 241 km lang.🏖️')
fact2 = ('Havet dækker omkring 71% af jordens overflade.🌊')
fact3 = ('Ca. 73% af folk der besøger stranden, går i vandet.🛀')
fact4 = ('Der udledes omkring 8-10 tons plastik i havet hvert år. Det svarer til ca. 375.000 halvliters plastikflasker.')
fact5 = ('Over 400 milioner amerikanere går på stranden hvert år.')
fact6 = ('Det Røde Hav er det salteste hav i verden. Vandet indenholder ca. 60 gram salt pr. liter.🧂')
fact7 = ('Ca. 94% af dyrelivet findes havet.🐟')
fact8 = ('Man siger at regnskoven er "jordens lunger", men i virkeligheden producere havet mere end 70% af alt ilt.')
fact9 = ('Det er solen som gør vandet blåt. Det samme gælder himlen.☀️')
fact10 = ('Hvert år dræber hajer mellem fem til ti mennesker. Til gengæld dræber mennesker omkring 100 millioner hajer om året.🦈')
fact11 = ('Ved vesterhavet kan man se bunkere fra 2. verdenskrig.')
fact12 = ('Verdens største sandslot har en diameter på 32 meter og har en højde på 21 meter.')

#Scratch games about sea and beach
#Scratch spil om hav og strand
game_button1 = Button(label="Scratch", url='')
game_button2 = Button(label="Scratch", url='')
game_button3 = Button(label="Scratch", url='')
game_button4 = Button(label="Scratch", url='')
game_button5 = Button(label="Scratch", url='')
game_button6 = Button(label="Scratch", url='')
game_button7 = Button(label="Scratch", url='')
game_button8 = Button(label="Scratch", url='')

#tells when bot goes online
#fortæller når en bot går online
async def on_ready():
    channel = bot.get_channel(channel name here)
    await channel.send('Jeg er online!')
    print(f'{} has connected to Discord!')
    print(f'conected to: {channel}')

async def on_member_join(member):
    await member.send(f'Hej {member.mention}, velkommen på stranden. Nyd solen!☀️')

#does stuff when a specific message is recived
#gør ting når en bestemt besked er modtaget
async def on_message(msg):
    if != bot.user:

        if msg.content == (';info'):
            await'{bot.user.mention} er lavet af "username" i fobindelse med sommer challenge 2022. n Hvis du har nogle spøgsmål eller har brug for hjælp, er du velkommen til at sende en dm til "username". n Kun et af scratch spillene der er givet link til er lavet af "username" n brugernavn: other username')

        elif msg.content == (';fact'):
            await[fact1, fact2, fact3, fact5, fact6]))
        elif msg.content == (';game'):
            view = View()
            button = random.choice([game_button1, game_button2, game_button3, game_button4, game_button5, game_button6, game_button7, game_button8])

            if button != game_button8:
                await'Det her spil er lavet af "username"', view=view)
        elif 'hello' in msg.content:
  'hello {}!')
        elif 'hej' in msg.content:
            await'hej {}!')

        elif msg.content == (';choice'):
            embed = discord.Embed(title="", description="", color=0xc27c0e)
            file = discord.File(r"C:Usersusernamevs-code-filesSommer_challenge_2022sandslot_før_DESTROY.png", filename="sandslot_før_DESTROY.png")
            embed.set_footer(text="Ødelæg sandslottet?")

            button = Button(label="Ødelæg!", style=discord.ButtonStyle.danger)
            button2 = Button(label="Lad det være", style=discord.ButtonStyle.success)

            view = View()

            async def button2_callback(interaction):
                await msg.delete()
                embed = discord.Embed(title="", description="", color=0xc27c0e)
                file = discord.File(r"C:Usersusernamevs-code-filesSommer_challenge_2022sandslot_don't_destroy.png", filename="sandslot_don't_destroy.png")
                await interaction.response.send_message(file=file, embed=embed, view=None, delete_after=6.25)

            async def button_callback(interaction):
                await msg.delete()
                embed = discord.Embed(title="", description="", color=0xc27c0e)
                file = discord.File(r"C:UsersusernamePicturessandslot_destoy.gif", filename="sandcastle_destoy.gif")
                embed.set_footer(text="Sandslottet blev ødelagt")
                await interaction.response.send_message(file=file, embed=embed, view=None, delete_after=6.25)

            button.callback = button_callback
            button2.callback = button2_callback

            await, embed=embed, view=view, delete_after=5)

Why does this happen?



With discord API you need to send an initial response within 3 seconds and afterward, you have 15 minutes to send the follow-up message. You should look into deferring. You’re uploading an image that might take some time and you might need to defer the message.
Instead of doing :


Try :


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