I’m rendering a dynamically changing numpy bitmap array and trying to improve my framerate.
Currently I’m using openCV:
cv2.imshow(WINDOW_NAME, 𐌎) cv2.waitKey(1)
This takes ~20ms, which is not bad.
But can I do better?
cv2.setWindowProperty(WINDOW_NAME, cv2.WND_PROP_OPENGL, cv2.WINDOW_OPENGL)
Setting this has no noticeable effect. But does openCV offer a better technique than imshow
to make use of a GL drawing surface?
And is there any viable alternative to openCV? import OpenGL
is a verified can of worms.
REF: Display numpy array cv2 image in wxpython correctly
REF: https://pypi.org/project/omgl/0.0.1/
You may render the video using external sub-process video renderer.
I tested the suggested solution by piping the video frames to FFplay.
The solution is not working so well – the last frames are not shown.
Treat the solution as conceptual solution.
The code opens FFplay as sub-process, and write the raw frames to stdin
pipe of FFplay.
Here is the code:
import cv2 import numpy as np import subprocess as sp import shlex import time # Synthetic "raw BGR" image for testing width, height, n_frames = 1920, 1080, 1000 # 1000 frames, resolution 1920x1080 img = np.full((height, width, 3), 60, np.uint8) def make_bgr_frame(i): """ Draw a blue number in the center of img """ cx, cy = width//2, height//2 l = len(str(i+1)) img[cy-20:cy+20, cx-15*l:cx+15*l, :] = 0 # Blue number cv2.putText( img, str(i+1), (cx-10*l, h+10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 1, (255, 30, 30), 2 ) # FFplay input: raw video frames from stdin pipe. ffplay_process = sp.Popen( shlex.split( f'ffplay -hide_banner -loglevel error' f' -exitonkeydown -framerate 1000 -fast' f' -probesize 32 -flags low_delay' f' -f rawvideo -video_size {width}x{height}' f' -pixel_format bgr24 -an -sn -i pipe:' ), stdin=sp.PIPE ) t = time.time() for i in range(n_frames): make_bgr_frame(i) if ffplay_process.poll() is not None: break # Break if FFplay process is closed try: # Write raw video frame to stdin pipe of FFplay sub-process. ffplay_process.stdin.write(img.tobytes()) # ffplay_process.stdin.flush() except Exception as e: break elapsed = time.time() - t arg_fps = n_frames / elapsed print(f'FFplay elapsed time = {elapsed:.2f}') print(f'FFplay average fps = {arg_fps:.2f}') ffplay_process.stdin.close() ffplay_process.terminate() # OpenCV ########################################################## t = time.time() for i in range(n_frames): make_bgr_frame(i) cv2.imshow("img", img) cv2.waitKey(1) elapsed = time.time() - t arg_fps = n_frames / elapsed print(f'OpenCV elapsed time = {elapsed:.2f}') print(f'OpenCV average fps = {arg_fps:.2f}') cv2.destroyAllWindows() ##########################################################
Result (Windows 10):
FFplay elapsed time = 5.53 FFplay average fps = 180.98 OpenCV elapsed time = 6.16 OpenCV average fps = 162.32
On my machine the differences are very small.