I was searching the net and found the similar problem but it doesn’t work in my case, Idk why.
I try to put some extra data to context
in serializer, but get only 3 default fields: request
, view
and format
and no mention for my custom data.
My model:
class Match(models.Model): sender = models.ForeignKey( Client, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='senders' ) recipient = models.ForeignKey( Client, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='recipients' ) class Meta: app_label = 'clients' db_table = 'matches' verbose_name = 'match' verbose_name_plural = 'matches' constraints = [ models.UniqueConstraint( fields=['sender', 'recipient'], name='unique_match' ) ]
My Serializer:
class MatchSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): sender = serializers.HiddenField(default=serializers.CurrentUserDefault()) def validate(self, data): if data['sender'] == self.context['recipient']: raise serializers.ValidationError('You cannot match yourself') return data def create(self, validated_data): return Match.objects.create( sender=validated_data['sender'], recipient=self.context['recipient'] ) class Meta: model = Match fields = ['sender']`
My ModelViewSet:
class MatchMVS(ModelViewSet): queryset = Match.objects.all() serializer_class = MatchSerializer http_method_names = ['post'] permission_classes = [IsAuthenticated] # without and with doesn't work def get_serializer_context(self): context = super(MatchMVS, self).get_serializer_context() context.update({ "recipient": Client.objects.get(pk=23) # extra data }) return context @action(detail=True, methods=['POST'], name='send_your_match') def match(self, request, pk=None): sender = request.user recipient = Client.objects.get(pk=pk) serializer = MatchSerializer(context={'request': request, 'recipient': recipient}, data=request.data) data_valid = serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) if data_valid: recipient = serializer.save() is_match = Match.objects.filter(sender=recipient, recipient=sender).exists() if is_match: send_mail( f'Hello, {sender.first_name}', f'You got match with {recipient.first_name}! ' f'Your`s partner email: {recipient.email}', settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER, [sender.email], fail_silently=False, ) send_mail( f'Hello, {recipient.first_name}', f'You got match with {sender.first_name}! ' f'Your`s partner email: {sender.email}', settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER, [recipient.email], fail_silently=False, ) return Response(recipient.email, 201) else: return Response(f'Your sympathy has been sent to {recipient.username}.', 201)
I was debugging it through PyCharm and Postman but still can’t understand where is my mistake. Hope you will help me to fix it.
Your code is right.It should work. But i don’t know where is the issue.You can try the modified code as below.
class MatchSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): def validate(self, data): if data['sender'] == data['recipient']: raise serializers.ValidationError('You cannot match yourself') return data class Meta: model = Match fields = ['sender', 'recipient'] class MatchMVS(ModelViewSet): queryset = Match.objects.all() serializer_class = MatchSerializer http_method_names = ['post'] permission_classes = [IsAuthenticated] @action(detail=True, methods=['POST'], name='send_your_match') def match(self, request, pk=None): sender = request.user recipient = Client.objects.get(pk=pk) serializer = MatchSerializer(data={**request.data, 'recipient': recipient.id}) data_valid = serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) if data_valid: recipient = serializer.save() is_match = Match.objects.filter(sender=recipient, recipient=sender).exists() if is_match: send_mail( f'Hello, {sender.first_name}', f'You got match with {recipient.first_name}! ' f'Your`s partner email: {recipient.email}', settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER, [sender.email], fail_silently=False, ) send_mail( f'Hello, {recipient.first_name}', f'You got match with {sender.first_name}! ' f'Your`s partner email: {sender.email}', settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER, [recipient.email], fail_silently=False, ) return Response(recipient.email, 201) else: return Response(f'Your sympathy has been sent to {recipient.username}.', 201)