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Django – Create model with fields derivable from other model

I have 2 Django models representing the coin domain. The Coin has some properties and the trading Pair is based on those properties.


Let’s add a couple of Coin instances:


and one Pair:


As you can see, code and name in the Pair model can be derived from code and name in the Coin model. To put it simple:

  • Pair Code = First Coin Code + Second Coin Code
  • Pair Name = First Coin Name + “/” + Second Coin Name

But, in this example I simply hardcoded those values and for sure this is not the best way to handle this situation. For example: what if in the Coin model I need to change the name of an instance? Then, I will have to manually update code and name in the Pair model, because this values are not properly binded from the Coin Model.

I believe Pair code/name must be binded/derived from the Coin model in some way.

Is there a way to do that in Django?



You might not need to store the name of your Pair since it can be infered from the references from Pair.base_currency and Pair.quote_currency.

A property on the Pair class should be enough:
