I have a command that is supposed to get the price of a given cryptocurrency but it’s not working. Heres the code:
@commands.command() async def crypto(self, ctx, cc = None): try: if cc is None: ccbed=discord.Embed(title='Command Usage:', description=f'/crypto [crypto currency]', colour=random.randint(0x000000, 0xffffff), timestamp=datetime.utcnow()) await ctx.send(embed=ccbed) else: url = f"https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids={cc}&vs_currencies=usd%2Ceur%2Cgbp" stats = requests.get(url) json_stats = stats.json() usdprice = json_stats["usd"] europrice = json_stats["eur"] gbpprice = json_stats["gbp"] ccbed2 = discord.Embed(title=f"**Current price of {cc}**", description="This data might be inaccurate.", colour=random.randint(0x000000, 0xffffff), timestamp=datetime.utcnow()) ccbed2.add_field(name="**USD:**", value=usdprice, inline=True) ccbed2.add_field(name="**EURO:**", value=europrice, inline=True) ccbed2.add_field(name="**GBP:**", value=gbpprice, inline=True) await ctx.send(embed=ccbed2) except: ccbed3 = discord.Embed(title="Invalid crypto currency or API error.", colour=random.randint(0x000000, 0xffffff), timestamp=datetime.utcnow()) ccbed3.set_author(name="Error!") await ctx.send(embed=ccbed3)
When I run the command it triggers the Invalid cryptocurrency or API error.
>>> url = "https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids=bitcoin&vs_currencies=usd%2Ceur%2Cgbp" >>> import requests >>> stats = requests.get(url) >>> json_stats = stats.json() >>> json_stats {'bitcoin': {'usd': 39125, 'eur': 32474, 'gbp': 28473}} >>> usdprice = json_stats["usd"] Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> KeyError: 'usd' >>> usdprice = json_stats["bitcoin"]["usd"] >>>
Execute your code, line by line then you will see the error.
usdprice = json_stats["usd"]
will always return an error. Do something like usdprice = json_stats[cc]["usd"]
or better iterate over it in case you specified multiple currencies:
for k, v in json_stats.items():
Don’t write a general try except block (except KeyError:
). Specify the error you expect in the except. Also when posting a debugging question you should supply the error traceback.
https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids=bitcoin&vs_currencies=usd%2Ceur%2Cgbp returns some result but https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids=btc&vs_currencies=usd%2Ceur%2Cgbp results an empty dictionary.
Both will lead to an error in your current code but they are of different origin.