What I’ve tried
StackOverflow articles
Need help to fix a certain bug in rock, scissor and paper.
How can I add reaction to a message (checked plenty of articles, but I’m not going to add them in order to get into the point)
I’ve managed to retrieve the emoji from the user in the check method, but still the issue with timeouterror appears, so there is something I’m missing which I can’t get a hold on.
In this senario im using Cog,
The issue
Even though the wait_for
passes the check method, I’m not sure how to send it forward to the logical conditon. The result I get is passed in the exception.
import os from dotenv import load_dotenv from discord import Intents # lib from lib.cog.miniGames import miniGames # Games from lib.client.krigjo25 import krigjo25 # Importing .evn file load_dotenv() def botSetup (): # necsessary values from .env botKey = os.getenv('Token') server = os.getenv('server') # discord configs intents= Intents.all() #retrieving the module command prefix is created in the bot module bot=krigjo25(intents=intents) # adding cogs into the bot bot.add_cog(miniGames(bot)) bot.run(botKey) if __name__ == '__main__': botSetup()
class miniGames(Cog, name='miniGames module'): def __init__(self, bot): self.bot = bot @command(name='rsp') @Cog.listener() # 1: Creating a game where the user has three choices to choose between from # 2: The bot adds 3 reactions, where you have to choose one of them as an answer # 3: The bot checks wheter the conditions is true or false, in order to send the correct messge: async def RockscissorsPaper(self, message:Message): # Declearing variables # Rock, Scissors, Paper rock,scissor, paper = 'U0001FAA8', 'U00002702','U0001F4C4' answer = { 0:'U0001FAA8', 1:'U00002702', 2:'U0001F4C4'} # Randomizing the answer and assign it to the variable shuffle(answer) x = randrange(0,2) answer = 'U0001FAA8' #answer.get(x) print(answer) # Creating Embed message embed = Embed(color = Color.blurple()) embed.title = 'Rock, Scissors & Paper' embed.description = ' In order to play the game, please click one one of the following reactions' # Sending & adding reactions ch = await message.channel.send(embed=embed) await ch.add_reaction(rock) await ch.add_reaction(scissor) await ch.add_reaction(paper) # passes the check method def check( user, reaction): print('check function', reaction, user) return user == message.author and reaction == str(reaction.emoji) # Checks the user's input¨' # Questions : Is it possible to use dictionaries in order to find the given emoji? try : # How does this work? If wait_for is a "asynico" function how can it work like this? reaction, user = await self.bot.wait_for('reaction_add', timeout=30, check=check) except TimeoutError as e: print(e) else: reaction = str(reaction.emoji) # Checking if its the bots reaction if user == self.bot.user: return None else: if reaction == 'U0001F4C4' and answer == 'U0001FAA8': await message.channel.send(' you won')
It appears that i had to change :
def check( user, reaction): print('check function', reaction, user) return user == message.author and reaction == str(reaction.emoji)
def emojiCheck(reaction, member): reaction = str(reaction) member == ctx.author.name # Do not return the bot's last reaction return member !=self.bot.user and reaction
— I also had to add the code block in the try – except statement.
** OLD **
try : # How does this work? If wait_for is a "asynico" function how can it work like this? reaction, user = await self.bot.wait_for('reaction_add', timeout=30, check=check) except TimeoutError as e: print(e) else: reaction = str(reaction.emoji) # Checking if its the bots reaction if user == self.bot.user: return None else: if reaction == 'U0001F4C4' and answer == 'U0001FAA8': await message.channel.send(' you won')
try: # Timer Check reaction, member = await self.bot.wait_for('reaction_add', timeout=60.0, check=emojiCheck) print(member, reaction, answer) # Dictionaries # Tie tie = { 0:f'{self.bot.user} draws a **tie** for {member}', 1:'Sir, lets **tie** a **tie**', 2:'What did the **tie** say to the bowtie? You're a weirdo', 3:'lets have a wii-match', } reactionRock = { } # Randomize the dictionary shuffle(tie) x = randrange(0,3) tie = tie.get(x) # If the situation is a draw / tie if str(reaction) == answer: self.embed.description = tie await ctx.send(embed = self.embed)
The point is if-elif or else statement has to be inside the try-except statement.
Hope this is for help for other developers which has the same issue. Thanks for the assistance which I received. Its appreciated.