I have been reading all the threads on here regarding PWA deployment and none of the fixes are working.
I have a Python web app hosted on python anywhere and would like to deploy it as a PWA.
When I add my manifest.json to my root folder and reference this in the index.html file with the below:
<link rel="manifest" href="./manifest.json" />
i get the following error:
If I then move my Manifest file to my /assets folder and update my href in my index.html to:
<link rel="manifest" href="/assets/manifest.json" />
my manifest starts working – then I get an error of service worker not being matched:
Service worker error in Manifest
I tested my service worker in my root folder, same issue as the manifest above, I have moved my service worker to my /assets/ folder and set my index.html file to read this:
<script> if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) { window.addEventListener('load', ()=> { navigator .serviceWorker .register('/assets/sw01.js') .then(()=>console.log("Ready.")) .catch(()=>console.log("Err...")); }); } </script>
My service worker shows it is running in chrome:
However my manifest shows no matching service worker.
additional information:
- My Start URL in my manifest is set to “https://app.mywebsite.com/”
- I do not have a scope, I have tested multiple scopes with no luck “.”, “/”, “https://app.mywebsite.com/”
- I have tested my Manifest href as “manifest.json”, “/manifest.json”, “./manifest.json”, “/%PUBLIC_URL%/manifest.json” the manifest only works when distributed into a folder not on my root folder, same thing with my service worker
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
This is a service worker scope issue, along the lines of Understanding Service Worker scope.
If you serve you service worker from /assets/sw01.js
, it can’t control /
. You should move your service worker to the top-level, like /sw01.js