I want to delete specific strings with regular expressions from the column Sorte
which I don’t want to have in my dataframe file_df
with the following code:
file_df = file_df[(file_df.Sorte != 'sonstige') & (file_df.Sorte != 'verauslagte Portokosten') & (file_df.Sorte != 'erhaltenenzahlung Re vom') & (file_df.Sorte != 'geleistetenzahlung aus Re-Nr') & (file_df.Sorte != '^.*Holzkisten geliefert.*$') & (file_df.Sorte != '^.*Infomaterialktionspakete.*$') & (file_df.Sorte != '^.*Aloe Vera haben wir nicht im Sortiment.*$') & (file_df.Sorte != '^.*Anzeigenvorlage Planten ut`norden.*$')]
But somehow when I execute this code these strings still are in the dataset and I can not figure out why. I wanted to chain this expression to not create so many copies.
The code worked for some strings in the dataset, for others not.
I figured out another solution that worked out for me derived from the answer at https://stackoverflow.com/a/54410702/14553595, which is basically a combination of your suggestions in the comments:
file_df = file_df.loc[:,~(file_df.columns.str.contains('^.*Fracht.*$', case=False) | file_df.columns.str.contains('^.*Angebotspaket.*$', case=False) | file_df.columns.str.contains('^.*Werbe.*$', case=False) | file_df.columns.str.contains('^.*Vita.Verde.*$', case=False) | file_df.columns.str.contains('^.*zahlung.*$', case=False) | file_df.columns.str.contains('^.*Europalette.*$', case=False) | file_df.columns.str.contains('^.*Angebotspaket.*$', case=False) | file_df.columns.str.contains('^.*Aufkleber fuer Saeule.*$', case=False) | file_df.columns.str.contains('^.*Aufsetzer.*$', case=False) | file_df.columns.str.contains('^.*Ausstellen der Pflanzen in die Beete pauschal.*$', case=False) | file_df.columns.str.contains('^.*Ausstellungsflaeche.*$', case=False) | file_df.columns.str.contains('^.*Auswaschen.*$', case=False) | file_df.columns.str.contains('^.*Bild.*$', case=False) | file_df.columns.str.contains('^.*etikette.*$', case=False) )]