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Creating Discord Bot method that moves messages as embeded message

I’ve been learning how to code a discord bot recently and I’ve hit a wall. I am wanting to create a method that allows me to move messages from one channel to another. I created a solution that works but not how I would like it to. Idealy I would want to just have the bot almost do a reddit repost where it takes the exact message and just has it embedded. Currently what I have for the method is

async def on_message(message):
    author =
    content = message.context
    channel =

    if message.content.startswith('!move'):
        #code to process the input, nothing special or important to this
        for i in fetchedMessages:
            embededMessage = discord.Embed()
            embededMessage.description = i.context
            await channelToPostIn.send(embeded=embededMessage)
            # delete the old message

Now this works perfectly for text messages but not for images or for example if the post was embedded in the first place. If someone has a more elegant solution or is able to point me in the right direction in the documentation I would be much appreciative. Thanks.



@Buster’s solution worked correctly except for when a user uploaded a picture as a file attached to the message. To fix this I ended up setting the image of the embedded message with the proxy_url of the image attached. my whole move command is as followed.

# Move: !move {channel to move to} {number of messages}
# Used to move messages from one channel to another.
async def move(context):

    if "mod" not in [ for y in]:
        await context.message.delete()
        await"{} you do not have the permissions to move messages.".format(

    # get the content of the message
    content = context.message.content.split(' ')
    # if the length is not three the command was used incorrectly
    if len(content) != 3 or not content[2].isnumeric():
        await"Incorrect usage of !move. Example: !move {channel to move to} {number of messages}.")
    # channel that it is going to be posted to
    channelTo = content[1]
    # get the number of messages to be moved (including the command message)
    numberOfMessages = int(content[2]) + 1
    # get a list of the messages
    fetchedMessages = await
    # delete all of those messages from the channel
    for i in fetchedMessages:
        await i.delete()

    # invert the list and remove the last message (gets rid of the command message)
    fetchedMessages = fetchedMessages[::-1]
    fetchedMessages = fetchedMessages[:-1]

    # Loop over the messages fetched
    for messages in fetchedMessages:
        # get the channel object for the server to send to
        channelTo = discord.utils.get(messages.guild.channels, name=channelTo)

        # if the message is embeded already
        if messages.embeds:
            # set the embed message to the old embed object
            embedMessage = messages.embeds[0]
        # else
            # Create embed message object and set content to original
            embedMessage = discord.Embed(
                        description = messages.content
            # set the embed message author to original author
            # if message has attachments add them
            if messages.attachments:
                for i in messages.attachments:
                    embedMessage.set_image(url = i.proxy_url)

        # Send to the desired channel
        await channelTo.send(embed=embedMessage)

Thanks to everyone that helped with this problem.

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