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Creating a network-like figure a truss in Python

I would like to create the graphic of a truss. I have two lists of lists; one gives the bar number and the nodes that make them, it looks like this:


For example, element one is composed by node 1 and node 2. The other dataset gives the nodes followed by its coordinates in the 2D plane. It looks like this:


For example, node 1 has the (0.0, 1.2) coordinates.

I want to recreate with pyplot the following graphic using the lists of list above. Where A is 1.5m and B 1.2m.

Example of required image

I thought doing something like this:


I know I am not doing the for right (out of index) but I don´t really know how to solve it.



enter image description here

Your question is too wide, I provide an answer only to the first part of it, given a list of nodal coordinates and a list of connectivities, how to draw a truss?

First, if you are implementing a program for truss analysis, you will probably use a dataclass and store much more info about each one of the bars, but as a starter we need only the connectivity and I write:


Next, a list of nodal coordinates and a list of bars


The drawing, abstracted in a function


And finally, we execute our function


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Because I will not expand my answer, if you cannot proceed from this starting block then you should ask further, more focused questions.

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