I am having a GitHub Private Repository which has 3 .json files on its parent directory. Suppose the three json files are:
I am trying to write a function through which I can just push any one of the .json file through the python function with contents and it makes a commit and push the changes.
I tried using solution from this but it seems outdated or unsupported: Python update files on Github remote repo without local working directory
Function should be liked this:
def update_file_to_repo(file_name,file_content):
# Do the push..
file_name has the 1.json or any other file name as string and file_content has contents as string imported through json.dumps() by me in main function..
Though I didn’t found any ways to do it without cloning the repo in local directory
However, here’s the way if you wanted to do while using a local directory:
Function for cloning the private repo to local directory. You will also need to create a Personal Access Token(you can create here) and make sure to give repo permissions for cloning and making changes to the private repo.
def initialize_repo():
os.system("git config --global user.name "your.username"")
os.system("git config --global user.email "your_github_email_here"")
os.system(r"git clone https://username:token@github.com/username/repo.git folder-name")
Function for pulling the repo:
def pull_repo():
os.system(r"cd /app/folder-name/ && git pull origin master")
Function for pushing the repo:
def push(pull="no"):
PATH_OF_GIT_REPO = r'/app/folder-name/.git' # make sure .git folder is properly configured
COMMIT_MESSAGE = 'commit done by python script'
# try:
repo = Repo(PATH_OF_GIT_REPO)
if pull=="yes":
origin = repo.remote(name='origin')
# except:
# print('Some error occured while pushing the code')
Now using these functions, just make a pull, then make the changes to the json or any other file you want and then do the push :)