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Correctly consuming a multiline config file in snakemake as an input

For various reasons I would like to be able to define my inputs in a separate config file. My current version without using a config file looks like:


Instead of this I would like my config file to be something like:


And then my snakemake file would be:


However, I get an error telling me that I have missing input files for the rule, with note of affected files labs and demo.

I imagine I could parse this into a list that perhaps inputs could understand, but I would like my inputs to ideally retain their names. Unfortunately it is not at all clear to me how to achieve this.



yaml might be a better choice for formatting the config since it’s more readable. Let’s pretend we have config.yml containing:


We can load this yaml using configfile. Now, make sure to use **config["inputs"] as this will expand the contents of the dictionary and pass it as key=value combinations:
