Here I’m basically trying to fetch a string value from the SQL Table and I want to compare that value with the string I entered. I tried this simple way but unfortunately, it isn’t working. I need help.
def cantkt(): #tkt() #canstate=("DELETE FROM Chart WHERE PNR=%s"%canpnr) canpnr=input("Enter PNR No. to Cancel Ticket: ") mycsr.execute("SELECT PNR FROM Chart WHERE PNR=%s"%canpnr) res=mycsr.fetchone() print(res) if res==canpnr: print("PNR MATCHED") else: print("PNR No. DOES NOT MATCH")
as you can see in the print, the result of the fetching is a tuple, not a string.
You can do simply this:
res = mycsr.fetchone() if res: res = res[0]
res is (‘1019654419’, ) so you must seek the value you want to get, in this case the first one.
In “if res: res = res[0]” we check if res has a value because in case the ticket does not exist the fetching value would be an empty tuple, so trying to get the first result will raise an IndexError.