I want to check if a browser opened with Selenium is still open. I would need this check for closing a program. If the browser is not open, then the GUI should be destroyed without a message (tk.messagebox) coming. But if the browser is open, then the message should come as soon as the function is activated.
Here is the function:
def close(): msg_box = tk.messagebox.askquestion('Exit Application', 'Are you sure you want to exit the application?', icon='warning') if msg_box == 'yes': root.destroy() try: web.close() except NameError: sys.exit(1) except InvalidSessionIdException: sys.exit(1) except WebDriverException: sys.exit(1) else: return
I don’t think there is a direct api for checking browser status. But you can use the the work around
def isBrowserAlive(driver): try: driver.current_url # or driver.title return True except: return False