I would like to go over an excel file with different stock symbols. How can I check after reading the stocks values (Open,Close,High,Low,Volume) in a dataframe with yahoo, if the dataframe is empty? In this excel list are more than 700 Symbols and some times yahoo have no data for some symbols. So I would like to exclude this symbols, when I go to the loop.
I am struggling with the following code: if df.empty = True: print (stock).
yf.pdr_override() start = dt.datetime(2020,6,1) now = dt.datetime.now() stocklist = pd.read_csv('symbols/Input_ETF_alle_test.csv') # stocklist = stocklist.head() for i in stocklist.index: stock = str(stocklist['Symbol'][i]) print (stock) df = yf.download(stock,start,now) if df.empty = True: print (stock)
You need to change the if to:
if df.empty == True:
if df.empty: