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Change the statistics from percentages to number of events

I found an interesting library and I would like to make changes in this code. I would like to see the number of events divided by the sum of events (like 5/52 etc.), under percentages. How can I add it?

link to the library:

This part of the code displays data but I don’t know how to change it:

 total = np.array([bs['statistic'].sum() for bs in bin_statistic]).sum()
    # replace raw counts with percentages and add percentage sign (note immutable named tuple so used _replace)
    for bs in bin_statistic:
        bs['statistic'] = (pd.DataFrame(bs['statistic'] / total)
                           .applymap(lambda x: '{:.0%}'.format(x))

enter image description here



The code you have shown replaces the "statistic" column of the dataframe with a new column, which contains the percentages.

bs['statistic'] = (pd.DataFrame(bs['statistic'] / total)
                           .applymap(lambda x: '{:.0%}'.format(x))

Let’s split it into a couplelines to make it easier to understand:

# divide the statistic column by the total
percentages = pd.DataFrame(bs['statistic'] / total) 

# format percentages using the specifier {:.0%}
bs['statistic'] = (percentages.applymap(lambda x: '{:.0%}'.format(x)).values)

Once the percentages are calculated, the str.format() function is used to format each value as a percentage with zero decimal places (

So all you need to do is change what is being formatted, and how it is formatted.

outputval = pd.DataFrame(bs['statistic']) # it might not be necessary to cast to pd.DataFrame
bs['statistic'] = (outputval.applymap(lambda x: '{0:.0f}/{1:.0f}'.format(x, total)).values)

Or in one line:

bs['statistic'] = (pd.DataFrame(bs['statistic']).applymap(lambda x: '{0:.0f}/{1:.0f}'.format(x, total)).values)