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Can I perform a left join/merge between two dataframes using regular expressions with pandas?

I am trying to perform a left merge using regular expressions in Python that can handle many-to-many relationships. Example:

    df1 = pd.DataFrame(['a','b','c','d'], columns = ['col1'])
    df1['regex'] = '.*' + df1['col1'] + '.*'

    col1    regex
  0 a   .*a.*
  1 b   .*b.*
  2 c   .*c.*
  3 d   .*d.*

    df2 = pd.DataFrame(['ab','a','cd'], columns = ['col2'])

  0 ab
  1 a
  2 cd

    # Merge on regex column to col2

    out = pd.DataFrame([['a','ab'],['a','a'],['b','ab'],['c','cd'], 
    ['d','cd']],columns = ['col1','col2'])

    col1    col2
  0 a   ab
  1 a   a
  2 b   ab
  3 c   cd
  4 d   cd



You can use create a custom function to find all the matching indexes of both the data frames then extract those indexes and use pd.concat.

import re
def merge_regex(df1, df2):
    idx = [(i,j) for i,r in enumerate(df1.regex) for j,v in enumerate(df2.col2) if re.match(r,v)]
    df1_idx, df2_idx = zip(*idx)
    t = df1.iloc[list(df1_idx),0].reset_index(drop=True)
    t1 = df2.iloc[list(df2_idx),0].reset_index(drop=True)
    return pd.concat([t,t1],axis=1)

merge_regex(df1, df2)
  col1 col2
0    a   ab
1    a    a
2    b   ab
3    c   cd
4    d   cd

Timeit results

# My solution
In [292]: %timeit merge_regex(df1,df2)
1.21 ms ± 22.2 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)

#Chris's solution
In [293]: %%timeit
     ...: df1['matches'] = df1.apply(lambda r: [x for x in df2['col2'].values if re.findall(r['regex'], x)], axis=1)
     ...: df1.set_index('col1').explode('matches').reset_index().drop(columns=['regex'])
4.62 ms ± 25.2 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
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