I’m trying to call C++ function using ctypes. The function declaration looks like
std::string some_function( const std::string ¶m )
As Python can not interact with C++ directly, I have created a C-wrapper for this function as follows
const char *my_function( const char *param )
std::string result = some_function( std::string( param ) );
char *ret = new char[result.length() + 1];
strcpy(ret, result.c_str());
return ret;
And Python wrapper
def my_function(param):
func = lib.my_function
func.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p]
func.restype = ctypes.c_char_p
result = func(ctypes.c_char_p(param))
return result
But when I try to call Python wrapper with some bytes passed as param, for example
It fails with the following error
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::length_error'
what(): basic_string::_M_create
I’m not very good in C and C++. Can you help me to figure out how to create correct wrapper? Thanks.
Since your data contains embedded nulls, c_char_p
won’t work as it assumes the returned char*
is null-terminated and converts the data up to the first null found to a bytes
object. std::string
as used also makes that assumption when pass a char*
only, so it needs the data length as well.
To manage a data buffer with null content, the size of the input data must be passed in and the size of the output data must be returned. You’ll also have to manage freeing the data allocated in the C++ code.
The below code demonstrates everything:
test.cpp – compiled with cl /EHsc /W4 /LD test.cpp
with Microsoft Visual Studio.
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
// Windows DLLs need functions to be explicitly exported
#ifdef _WIN32
# define API __declspec(dllexport)
# define API
std::string some_function(const std::string& param) {
return param + std::string("somex00thing", 10);
// pLength is used as an input/output parameter.
// Pass in input length and get output length back.
extern "C" API
const char* my_function(const char* param, size_t* pLength) {
auto result = some_function(std::string(param, *pLength));
auto reslen = result.length();
auto res = new char[reslen];
// Use memcpy to handle embedded nulls
memcpy_s(res, reslen, result.data(), reslen);
*pLength = reslen;
return res;
extern "C" API
void my_free(const char* param) {
delete [] param;
import ctypes as ct
dll = ct.CDLL('./test')
# Note: A restype of ct.c_char_p is converted to a bytes object
# and access to the returned C pointer is lost. Use
# POINTER(c_char) instead to retain access and allow it
# to be freed later.
dll.my_function.argtypes = ct.c_char_p, ct.POINTER(ct.c_size_t)
dll.my_function.restype = ct.POINTER(ct.c_char)
dll.my_free.argtypes = ct.c_char_p,
dll.my_free.restype = None
def my_function(param):
# wrap size in a ctypes object so it can be passed by reference
size = ct.c_size_t(len(param))
# save the returned pointer
p = dll.my_function(param, ct.byref(size))
# slice pointer to convert to an explicitly-sized bytes object
result = p[:size.value]
# now the pointer can be freed...
# and the bytes object returned
return result
result = my_function(b'datax00more')