I have this final main.py that combines every function I wrote separately, but I can’t make it work, it actually returns the Success at the end but it actually does nothing nor in my local folders or MongoDB. The function is this one:
def gw2_etl(url): def log_scrape(url): HEADERS = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/42.0.2311.135 Safari/537.36 Edge/12.246'} response = requests.get(url=url, headers=HEADERS) soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser') data = soup.find_all('script')[8] dataString = data.text.rstrip() logData = re.findall(r'{.*}', dataString) try: urlLines = url.split('/') if len(urlLines) < 5: bossName = urlLines[3] elif len(urlLines) == 5: bossName = urlLines[4] except Exception as e: return 'Error' + str(e) tag = bossName.split('_') bossTag = tag[1] try: # Wing_1 if bossTag == 'vg': pathName = 'ETLEXTRACT_00Web ScrapingBoss_dataWing_1Valley_Guardian' with open(f'{pathName}{bossName}.json', 'w') as f: for line in logData: jsonFile = f.write(line) return jsonFile return log_scrape() def store_data(jsonFile): with open(jsonFile) as f: data = json.load(f) sp = jsonFile.split('\') posSp = sp[-1] bossTag = posSp.split('_') nameTag = bossTag[1] if len(bossTag) > 2: nameTag = bossTag[1] elif len(bossTag) == 2: tagSplit = nameTag.split('.') nameTag = tagSplit[0] # Players Data: player_group = [] player_acc = [] player_names = [] player_classes = [] for player in data['players']: player_group.append(player['group']) player_acc.append(player['acc']) player_names.append(player['name']) player_classes.append(player['profession']) try: # Wing-1 if nameTag == 'vg': # Create lists: player_dps1 = [] player_dps2 = [] player_dps3 = [] # Phase_1 phase1 = data['phases'][1]['dpsStats'] phase1_time_raw = data['phases'][1]['duration'] phase1_time = round(phase1_time_raw/1000,1) for dps in phase1: dps1_raw = dps[0] player_dps1.append(round(dps1_raw/phase1_time,2)) # Phase_2 phase2 = data['phases'][6]['dpsStats'] phase2_time_raw = data['phases'][6]['duration'] phase2_time = round(phase2_time_raw/1000,1) for dps in phase2: dps2_raw = dps[0] player_dps2.append(round(dps2_raw/phase2_time,2)) # Phase_3 phase3 = data['phases'][12]['dpsStats'] phase3_time_raw = data['phases'][12]['duration'] phase3_time = round(phase3_time_raw/1000,1) for dps in phase3: dps3_raw = dps[0] player_dps3.append(round(dps3_raw/phase3_time,2)) stats_dict = { 'players':{ 'group': player_group, 'account': player_acc, 'names': player_names, 'profession': player_classes, 'phase_1_dps': player_dps1, 'phase_2_dps': player_dps2, 'phase_3_dps': player_dps3 } } df = pd.DataFrame(stats_dict['players'], columns=['group','account','names','profession','phase_1_dps','phase_2_dps','phase_3_dps']) return stats_dict except Exception as e: print('Error' + str(e)) sys.exit() # JSON generator (MongoDB) pathName = 'ETLTRANSFORM_01Players_info' jsonString = json.dumps(stats_dict) with open(f"{pathName}{nameTag}_player_stats.json", 'w') as f: f.write(jsonString) # CSV generator (MySQL, PostgreSQL) df.to_csv(f"{pathName}{nameTag}_player_stats.csv",index=True) return store_data() def mongo_connect(stats_dict): try: client = pymongo.MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/') except Exception as e: print('Connection could not be done' + str(e)) sys.exit() db = client['GW2_SRS'] collection = db['players_info'] mongo_insert = collection.insert_one(stats_dict) return mongo_connect() return 'Success!' pass
My goal is that, when I call gw2_etl(), it runs every process inside (log_scrape, store_data and mongo_connect) and returns the Success message at the end. I’m probably doing it wrong since it neither runs anything nor send an error message.
For the mongo connection, I need to return the stats_dict, since it is the JSON file that I want to upload there, csv file is just for local storage.
I actually got some bosses out since the code it’s actually pretty long.
If you have any hint or clue about how could I make this work, I would be incredibly grateful.
You still need to call all of those functions separately from within the gw2_etl()
before returning from the function. Defining functions inside another just means you can’t access them outside of the outer function. So before the return statement add
log_scraper(url) store_data(json_file) mongo_connect(stats_dict)
and continue from there. You’ll notice that you need to carry over some variables to invoke the functions with the correct arguments, but I left that part for you to figure out.