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Call marshmallow validated GET endpoint with List parameter

I have a marshmallow schema validation like this:

class MyFilterSchema(Schema):             
    ids = fields.List(fields.Str(validate=non_empty), required=True)

Then in my endpoint I call the schema validation: MyFilterSchema().load(flask.request.args) Now I try to call the HTTP GET endpoint which is using this validation. But I get 'ids': ['Not a valid list.'] I tried different ways:


but no luck. How must the endpoint be called that marshmallow recognizes my GET parameter as list?



One way is to use a custom implementation of a validation field instead of the integrated list field.

class DelimitedListField(fields.List):
    def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data, **kwargs):
            return value.split(",")                        
        except AttributeError:                                                                                                                                               
            raise exceptions.ValidationError(
                f"{attr} is not a delimited list it has a non string value {value}."

This can be used in the schema as follow:

class MyFilterSchema(Schema):             
    ids = DelimitedListField(fields.Str(validate=non_empty), required=True)

and would accept calls in the format:

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