Hello I have a netcdf file with daily data. Shape of the file is (5844, 89, 89) i.e 16 years data. I tried to get monthly average from daily data. I am looking for simillar to resample
function in pandas dataframe. Is there anyways to do that in python.
As I know it is very easy to calculate by using cdo and nco but I am looking in python.
Sample code that I used to read netcdf file is:
import netCDF4 from netCDF4 import Dataset fh = Dataset(ncfile, mode='r') time = fh.variables['time'][:] lon = fh.variables['longitude'][:] lat = fh.variables['latitude'][:] data = fh.variables['t2m'][:] data.shape
@ jhamman Thank you for suggesting xarray.resample
. It is simpler than I thought and the answer to my question is:
import xarray as xr ds = xr.open_dataset(nc_file) monthly_data = ds.resample(freq = 'm', dim = 'time', how = 'mean')