I’m working on building a custom package for functions I commonly use, and it has several functions that do not fit in any specific module and are used by several modules. I’ve been putting them in __init__.py
, and it works, but I’ve seen many tutorials that recommend a very small __init__.py
. Is there any better place I can put them?
I want to be able to call them like this:
import mypackage
#functions in modules
#common functions
Where do I put these functions?
You could create a ‘utilities’ package/file for storing re-usable pieces of code and then import them into your files which could benefit from them !
And as for your init.py file – I’d leave that empty !
# utilities.py
def method():
return None
# Some class
from utilities import *
nothing_burger = method()
print nothing_burger
If you add the parent folder to the python path, within the command_line_interface.py or data_access.py file you can import
from extras.utilities import *
and you will have access to all your re-usable methods
. Parent
├── cli
│ ├── __init__.py
│ └── command_line_interface.py
├── persistence
│ ├── data_access.py
│ └── __init__.py
└── extras
├── exceptions.py
├── utilities.py
└── __init__.py