I have to make a program to teach children multipliers, this is the core code of the assignment.
#include <stdio.h> #define MIN 1 #define MAXINDEX 10 #define MAXTABLE 10 #define STEP 1 void main(void) { int i,j ; for (j = MIN; j <MAXTABLE; j += STEP) { for (i = MIN; i <= MAXINDEX; i += STEP) printf(“%3d * %3d = %3dn”, i, j, i*j); printf(“n---------------nn”); } for (i = MIN; i <= MAXINDEX; i += STEP) printf(“%3d * %3d = %3dn”, i, MAXTABLE, i*MAXTABLE); }
After I have to rewrite it to a next generation language so I designed to write it in python. Like this
j=1 i=1 for j in range(1,11): for i in range(1,11): print('%3d * %3d =%3d' % (i, j, i *j)) if j!=10: print("n---------------n") else: print("n")
And after that I have to make a UI for it so this image is what I designed to do like this This is the design of me
Since I just study python for 3 days, so I try my best to write this:
import PySimpleGUI as sg import os.path def Corecode(): j=1 i=1 for j in range(1,11): for i in range(1,11): print('%3d * %3d =%3d' % (i, j, i *j)) if j!=10: print("n---------------n") else: print("n") from PySimpleGUI.PySimpleGUI import R, Image, Multiline showrobot_column = [ [sg.Image('E:imgrobot.png',size = (300,300))], ], show_Textbox_selectbox = [ [sg.Multiline(size=(50,20),key='-def-')], [sg.Listbox(values=['a','b','c','d'], enable_events=True, size=(50,20), key="")] ] layout = [ [sg.Column(showrobot_column), sg.VSeparator(), sg.Column(show_Textbox_selectbox) ] ] window = sg.Window("First Test",layout) while True: event, value = window.read() if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED: break window.close()
I designed to make it like a robot is talking and let the children interact by buttonBut, but I find out I can’t insert the image, and also I can’t find a way to print the Multiplier table by the core code that on the front, so someone can help me to finish the code or tell me why the sg.image get error. TY
Try this,
import PySimpleGUI as sg def corecode(base): return ("n"+"-"*13+"n").join([f'{i+1:>2d} * {base:>2d} = {(i+1)*base:>3d}' for i in range(10)]) sg.theme('DarkBlue3') sg.set_options(font=("Courier New", 12)) showrobot_column = [ [sg.Image('E:/img/robot.png', size = (300, 300))], ] list_values = [f'{i+1:>2d}' for i in range(10)] show_Textbox_selectbox = [ [sg.Multiline(size=(15, 20), expand_y=True, key='-MULTILINE-')], [sg.Listbox(values=list_values, enable_events=True, size=(15, 10), key="-LISTBOX-")], ] layout = [ [sg.Column(showrobot_column), sg.VSeparator(), sg.Column(show_Textbox_selectbox),], ] window = sg.Window("First Test", layout, finalize=True) multiline = window['-MULTILINE-'] multiline.update(value=corecode(1)) listbox = window['-LISTBOX-'] listbox.update(set_to_index=0) while True: event, values = window.read() if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED: break elif event == '-LISTBOX-': base = int(values[event][0]) multiline.update(value=corecode(base)) window.close()