I was wondering if it was possible to somehow use the $match operator within the $sum function for aggregation.
{ "$unwind": "$info.avatarInfoList" }, { "$unwind": "$info.avatarInfoList.equipList" }, { "$unwind": "$info.avatarInfoList.equipList.flat.reliquarySubstats" }, { "$project": { "name" : "$name", "character" : "$info.avatarInfoList.avatarId", "artifact" : "$info.avatarInfoList.equipList.itemId", "statValue" : { "$sum": [ {"$match" : { "$info.avatarInfoList.equipList.flat.reliquarySubstats.appendPropId" : "FIGHT_PROP_CRITICAL_HURT" } }, {"$multiply": [2, {"$match" : { "$info.avatarInfoList.equipList.flat.reliquarySubstats.appendPropId" : "FIGHT_PROP_CRITICAL" } }]} ] }, } }, { "$sort": { "statValue": -1 }}, { '$limit' : 30 } ]).to_list(length=None) print(data)
I want to be able to use the value of the $sum operator within the project fields somehow, I just don’t really understand what the right approach would be for this.
Sample Input (may be too long): https://www.toptal.com/developers/hastebin/ixamekaxoq.json
Sample Output: ( 2 * FIGHT_PROP_CRITICAL ) + FIGHT_PROP_CRITICAL_HURT sorted from highest to lowest for each item.
{name: hat, character: Slayer, artifact: 13, statValue : 25.6}
There are still a few ambiguities about how you want to aggregate your data, but using the full document from your link, here’s one way to produce the output you want.
N.B.: Weapons in the "equipList"
don’t have "reliquarySubstats"
so they show a "statValue"
of null
in the output.
db.collection.aggregate([ {"$unwind": "$info.avatarInfoList"}, {"$unwind": "$info.avatarInfoList.equipList"}, { "$project": { "_id": 0, "name": 1, "character": "$info.avatarInfoList.avatarId", "artifact": "$info.avatarInfoList.equipList.itemId", "statValue": { "$reduce": { "input": "$info.avatarInfoList.equipList.flat.reliquarySubstats", "initialValue": 0, "in": { "$switch": { "branches": [ { "case": {"$eq": ["$$this.appendPropId", "FIGHT_PROP_CRITICAL"]}, "then": { "$add": [ "$$value", {"$multiply": [2, "$$this.statValue"]} ] } }, { "case": {"$eq": ["$$this.appendPropId", "FIGHT_PROP_CRITICAL_HURT"]}, "then": {"$add": ["$$value", "$$this.statValue"]} } ], "default": "$$value" } } } } } }, {"$sort": {"statValue": -1}} ])
Try it on mongoplayground.net.