This is a followup question of my previous question. I am trying to access the contents of a webpage.
I could search for contents on the webpage. However, I am not sure how to access the contents in links given on the webpage.
For instance, the first line of the search result for id
36EUL/ADL_7 spectrophotometry .... C ...
The secondary id 36EUL/ADL_7
, in the first line, has another link that opens when clicked.
I am not sure how to access the contents of the search result of the secondary id.
Any suggestions?
The solution posted by Sers works for search_term =
with the following output format( same as the obtained output)
EC Number:, Reference Id: 36EUL/ADL_7, Evaluation: C T(K): 298.15, pH: 6.4, K': 1.3E-5 T(K): 298.15, pH: 7.0, K': 5.3E-5 T(K): 298.15, pH: 7.7, K': 1.3E-4
However, for a different search term, i.e. search_term =
Output obtained: (fails because the output table in the database has 4 columns excluding reference id)
EC Number:, Reference Id: 95SCH/TRA_581, Evaluation: C T(K): 277.15, pH: 7.5, K': ethylene glycol, 40 % T(K): 277.15, pH: 7.5, K': none
Expected output:
EC Number:, Reference Id: 95SCH/TRA_581, Evaluation: C T(K): 277.15, pH: 7.5, cosolvent: ethylene glycol, 40 %, K':8.0E-5 T(K): 277.15, pH: 7.5, cosolvent: none, K':1.5E-4
lines 85-87 , isn’t the correct assignment always.
tk_list ="#MainBody_extraData td:nth-child(1)") ph_list ="#MainBody_extraData td:nth-child(2)") k_list ="#MainBody_extraData td:nth-child(3)")
My suggestion is ,
Can we map the column name and the corresponding values while parsing the values from columns?
<table bgcolor="White" bordercolor="White" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" id="MainBody_extraData" width="100%"> <tr bgcolor="#4A3C8C"> <th scope="col"><font color="#E7E7FF"><b>T(K)</b></font></th><th scope="col"><font color="#E7E7FF"><b>pH </b></font></th><th scope="col"><font color="#E7E7FF"><b>cosolvent </b></font></th><th scope="col"><font color="#E7E7FF"><b>K' </b></font></th><th scope="col"><font color="#E7E7FF"><b>95SCH/TRA_581</b></font></th> </tr><tr bgcolor="#DEDFDE"> <td><font color="Black">277.15</font></td><td><font color="Black">7.5</font></td><td><font color="Black">ethylene glycol, 40 %</font></td><td><font color="Black">8.0E-5</font></td><td><font color="Black">95SCH/TRA_581</font></td> </tr><tr bgcolor="White"> <td><font color="Black">277.15</font></td><td><font color="Black">7.5</font></td><td><font color="Black">none</font></td><td><font color="Black">1.5E-4</font></td><td><font color="Black">95SCH/TRA_581</font></td> </tr> </table>
All can be done using Requests and BeautifulSoup without Selenium. Here code how to get data with details:
import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup base_url = '' ec_name = 'enzyme' search_term = '' url = f'{base_url}/{ec_name}/' with requests.Session() as session: # get __VIEWSTATE, __VIEWSTATEGENERATOR, __EVENTVALIDATION parameters to use them in POST parameters response = session.get(url) page = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser") view_state = page.find(id="__VIEWSTATE")["value"] view_state_generator = page.find(id="__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR")["value"] event_validation = page.find(id="__EVENTVALIDATION")["value"] data = { '__EVENTTARGET': '', '__EVENTARGUMENT': '', '__LASTFOCUS': '', '__VIEWSTATE': view_state, '__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR': view_state_generator, '__SCROLLPOSITIONX': '0', '__SCROLLPOSITIONY': '0', '__EVENTVALIDATION': event_validation, 'ctl00$MainBody$txtSrchAutoFill': search_term, 'ctl00$MainBody$repoList': 'Enzyme_thermo', 'ctl00$MainBody$ImgSrch.x': '0', 'ctl00$MainBody$ImgSrch.y': '0' } response =, data=data) page = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser") # get all rows rows ="#MainBody_gvSearch tr") # first row is header, remove it rows.remove(rows[0]) for row in rows: reference_id = row.select_one("[id*='lbSearch']").text.strip() ec_number = row.select_one("[id*='lblECNumber']").text.strip() method = row.select_one("[id*='lblMethod']").text.strip() buffer = row.select_one("[id*='lblBuffer']").text.strip() reaction = row.select_one("[id*='lblReaction']").text.strip() enzyme = row.select_one("[id*='lblEnzyme']").text.strip() cofactor = row.select_one("[id*='lblCofactor']").text.strip() evaluation = row.select_one("[id*='lblEvaluation']").text.strip() print(f"EC Number: {ec_number}, Reference Id: {reference_id}, Evaluation: {evaluation}") # get details params = ( ('ID', reference_id), ('finalterm', search_term), ('data', ec_name), ) response = session.get('', params=params) page = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser") # parse general information if page.find("span", text='Reference:'): reference = page.find("span", text='Reference:').find_parent("td").find_next_sibling("td").text.strip() if page.find("span", text='pH:'): ph = page.find("span", text='pH:').find_parent("td").find_next_sibling("td").text.strip() # parse table extra_data = [] try: table_headers = [x.text.strip() for x in"#MainBody_extraData th")] table_data = [x.text.strip() for x in"#MainBody_extraData td")] headers_count = len(table_headers) for i in range(0, len(table_data), headers_count): row = {} row_data = table_data[i:i + headers_count] for column_index, h in enumerate(table_headers): row[h] = row_data[column_index] print("T(K): {}, pH: {}, K': {}".format(row["T(K)"], row["pH"], row["K'"])) extra_data.append(row) except Exception as ex: print("No details table found") print(ex) print("")
Output of some values:
EC Number:, Reference Id: 36EUL/ADL_7, Evaluation: C
T(K): 298.15, pH: 6.4, K’: 1.3E-5
T(K): 298.15, pH: 7.0, K’: 5.3E-5
T(K): 298.15, pH: 7.7, K’: 1.3E-4
EC Number:, Reference Id: 37ADL/SRE_8, Evaluation: D
T(K): 298.15, pH: 6.05, K’: 6.0E-6
T(K): 298.15, pH: 7.25, K’: 7.7E-5
T(K): 298.15, pH: 8.0, K’: 1.2E-5
EC Number:, Reference Id: 37NEG/WUL_9, Evaluation: C
T(K): 293.15, pH: 7.9, K’: 7.41E-4
EC Number:, Reference Id: 38SCH/HEL_10, Evaluation: C
T(K): 298.15, pH: 6.30, K’: 2.6E-5
T(K): 298.15, pH: 6.85, K’: 8.8E-5
T(K): 298.15, pH: 7.15, K’: 1.9E-4
T(K): 298.15, pH: 7.34, K’: 3.0E-4
T(K): 298.15, pH: 7.61, K’: 5.1E-4
T(K): 298.15, pH: 7.77, K’: 8.0E-4
T(K): 298.15, pH: 8.17, K’: 2.2E-3
EC Number:, Reference Id: 38SCH/HEL_23, Evaluation: C
T(K): 298.15, pH: 6.39, K’: 9.1E-6
T(K): 298.15, pH: 6.60, K’: 3.0E-5
T(K): 298.15, pH: 6.85, K’: 5.1E-5
T(K): 298.15, pH: 7.18, K’: 1.5E-4
T(K): 298.15, pH: 7.31, K’: 2.3E-4
T(K): 298.15, pH: 7.69, K’: 5.6E-4
T(K): 298.15, pH: 8.06, K’: 1.1E-3