I’m trying to use Docker for one of our projects which uses OpenCV to process webcam feed (Python). But I can’t seem to get access to the webcam within docker, here’s the code which I use to test webcam access:
python -c "import cv2;print(cv2.VideoCapture(0).isOpened())"
And here’s what I tried so far,
docker run --device=/dev/video0 -it rec bash docker run --privileged --device=/dev/video0 -it rec bash sudo docker run --privileged --device=/dev/video0:/dev/video0 -it rec bash
All of these return False
, what am I doing wrong?
The Dockerfile in the link you provided doesn’t specify how opencv was installed, can you provide the Dockerfile you used? Or how you installed opencv?
VideoCapture(0) won’t work if you install opencv via pip.
You’re using --device=/dev/video0:/dev/video0